It shall be the purpose of the Planning Commission to prepare and adopt a comprehensive plan for the physical development of the city, including proposed public buildings, street arrangements and improvements, efficient design of major thoroughfares for moving of traffic, parking facilities, public utilities services, parks and playgrounds, a general land use plan and other matters relating to the physical development of the city. The plan may be prepared in sections, each of which shall relate to the comprehensive plan program.


The Planning Commission meets the 1st Monday of each month at 6:00 p.m. in the City Council Chambers


Commission Member Term Expiration
Kevin Wilkening 2025
Patricia Krebs 2025
Gary Hendrickx 2025
Mitch Fett 2026
Ann Hanson 2026
Al Oyen Council Liaison


2024 Meeting Dates
January 9
February 5 
March 4 
April 1 
May 6 
June 3 
July 1 
August 5 
September 2 *May Change due to Holiday*
October 7
November 4
December 2


City of Appleton, 323 West Schlieman Ave, 320-289-1363