Water Treatment Plant
Progress minutes and a calendar schedule which demark dates at when particular tasks will take place are included. This is one of the ways in which the City holds the construction firm accountable to deliverable items and the overall schedule.
Shop Drawings are mentioned within the minutes quite a bit, what they are is a schematic detail where labor, parts, installation methods, etc.…are all provided to the engineer (APEX) from the construction company (Magney) prior to executing tasks. Shop drawings allow APEX to ensure that Magney is proceeding in a manner that is compliant to law, compliant to PFA bond covenants, and in accordance to the existing contract with the City of Appleton.
This is a major project, APEX estimates that the project will take approximately 140-200 shop drawings prior to completion. Thus far, Magney has submitted 71 shop drawings to APEX which have been approved successfully.
Posted 1/25/2021