Appleton City Cemetery
The Appleton City Cemetery is located on MN Highway 119 South.
Currently, plots in Block "L" are for sale. Contact the city office for more information
Maps for each cemetery block can be found by clicking Cemetery Maps below. A master list of all the deceased buried in the cemetery can also be found there.
Flower & Decorative Item Rules:
Year-round placement of flowers and other decorations on grave sites MUSTS be placed on the marker or a concrete/stone pad next to the marker. (This includes shepard hooks. Holes may be drilled into the concrete wash for their placement.) Anything not placed properly will be removed. Contact the city office BEFORE placing concrete or a stone next to the marker.
Memorial Day Rules: Items may be placed on the grave itself starting after 5:00 p.m. the Friday before Memorial Day. Flowers, wreaths, etc. used at funerals will be left until they become unsightly. Removal of all Memorial Day flowers/items which are not placed on the markers must be gone before the Monday following memorial day.